Sunday, 28 June 2015

Realidad virtual

Ver pasar las cosas a través de la pantalla de un ordenador es como hacerlo a través de la ventana de un tren. Te sientes protegida dentro de un espacio cerrado; no importa lo que ocurra fuera. Tú eliges lo que quieres o no quieres ver, puedes abrir o cerrar los ojos a gusto.

¿Qué pasa cuando tenemos que abandonar el tren? Pues que volvemos a la realidad, estamos con los pies en tierra, no hay whatsapps ni píxeles. Somos sólo nosotros, el mundo y las cosas que lo integran. 

El cristal ya no nos protege y ahora tenemos que valernos de nosotros mismos sin la protección de ese “anonimato virtual” que tanto nos gusta. Ya no tenemos una id; tenemos un nombre y un apellido (¡eso es mucho más jodido!). 

Esta fue la, quizá, absurda conclusión a la que llegué ayer viajando en un tren de Santiago de Compostela a Ourense ¡Qué bien se estaba en aquel asiento viendo todo pasar a 200 km por hora! Parecía que no había crisis, ni paro, ni gente gilipollas caminando por las calles ¡El mundo era maravilloso! El campo verde, los ríos azules, las vaquitas felices pastando en los prados… Pero ¡ay! Cuando pones los pies en tierra y te vuelves a encontrar con la realidad, la “realidad no virtual”. Otra vez las mismas caras amargadas, la misma mala educación, el mismo abandono en todos y cada uno de los objetos que ves… ¿Será ese el motivo por el que tanta gente joven no quiere dejar su ordenador?¿Nos sentimos más protegidos observando el mundo a través de la ventana del tren? Y ¿será esa la razón por la que dicen que ya no estamos preparados para lo que se avecina?¿Porque nos hemos situado en el lado incorrecto de la ventana?

Que cada uno saque sus conclusiones. Yo ya tengo las mías.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Reasons why

Recently I have posted in Facebook a message about the fact of leaving music. First of all, I need to say thanks to all the people who answered back and showed their care about this decision

This time I’d like to talk about the reasons why cos, as you can guess, it’s not a happy story.

I’ve been getting such a bad experiences in the last 6 years that whenever I load my sequencer the only thing I feel is hate. Even when I listen to great producers I don’t feel anything at all. I have lost that “catchy thing” of producing…

As I said, in the last 6 years I’ve been walking to a deep hole, specially, after realizing that those “amazing producers” (I’m sure you know them all) I listened to everyday were some really fucking people, told lies about their shows and their music or got success jumping onto other smaller producers.

Probably you think this doesn’t matter but, in my case, I cannot listen to a producer who’s turning the music industry into a nightmare, specially cos I had to live that nightmare.

When I started working in the trance music scene and had good ideas to make music (not now) I got the chance to work with cool producers from my country. I tryed my best and gave all I could (including my hardware synths). Years later I lost my hardware, my ideas and even my money. There was too much talent in that team but there were too many m* fuckers aswel. 

Since then, music industry has changed a lot: Now producers want to work fast and release 2 or 3 tracks a week. This makes all songs are the same thing produced like serially in a factory. Dynamic in electronic music was totally destroyed using maximizers in every channel… Too many changes for an old mind like mine… I just love big melodies, not simple ones created by thousands of teenagers.

My drive in the trance scene has been going down and down at the point that I prefear my oldest songs (I know most of people around do). 

In nature, whatever animal that does not adapt itself to the environment dies and that’s my case.

What happens in music industry is sad cos only killers survive. Do I have to become a killer? Mmmm, I don’t think so; I don’t see music that way.

For the moment the only option I have is to keep on teaching and, maybe, keep on thinking about what to do with all of this.

Thanks for reading and sorry for the bad English!